Learning to write questions in Spanish

Write the Spanish equivalents for the following:

Who?                                                             With whom?

From whom?                                                  For whom?

To whom?

Where?                                                          To where?

From where?                                                  For where?

What?                                                             With what?

For what?                                                       In what?

From what?

Which one?                                                   Which ones?

Why?                                                             How?

How much? (2 forms)                                    How many? (2 forms)

When?                                                           For when?


            Word order, when writing a question in Spanish, usually follows this pattern:

                        ¿  question word        verb      subject  ?

                                                ¿Dónde estudia el muchacho?


            If a question word is not used,  the word order is usually:

                                    ¿   verb    subject  ?

                                        ¿Estudia el muchacho?


            Remember: never end a question in Spanish with a preposition.  The

                        preposition will usually be near the beginning of the question.


                        ¿Con quién canta Marta?

                        ¿De dónde es la señorita?

                        ¿Para quién es el dinero?

                        ¿En qué pones la basura? 


            Write questions for each underlined part of the statements.

            Carmen baila con Roberto en el patio a las ocho porque le gusta.

   1                          2                   3             4                  5


            Ellos trabajan todos los días en Calmar con sus amigos.

               6                             7                8                 9


            Yo vivo en mi casa con mis primos porque no tenemos un apartamento.

         10                11                12                           13

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